Beauty and Anti Aging

How Should I Choose a Shampoo?

How Should I Choose a Shampoo?

It is normal to be confused about what to believe and what to buy when it comes to the different types of shampoos and conditioners that you see on market shelf. Some products claim to give you shiny hair, while others claim to help you achieve wavy and bouncy hair. There are hundreds of products with each claiming to give you the best look. Understanding the basics of shampoo and knowing your hair is the best combination that would help in choosing the appropriate shampoo.

In general, shampoos are made of cleansers and conditioners. The quantity of each component may differ depending on the product, and this decides the type of hair it suits. Thick and rough hair requires more strong cleansing agents and a good amount of conditioners. Fine, fragile hair, on the other hand, requires good cleanser and less of conditioner to get the volume look. 

Some of the common shampoos include:

  • Volumizing shampoo – As the name indicates, these shampoos claim to give more volume to your hair. Many of these products open up the cuticle of the strand and makes it thicker, thus increasing the volume. These shampoos may damage the hair and remove the color. To add volume to your hair, opt for shampoos with a good, light-weight conditioner that can be rinsed off well, without retaining the slippery feeling on the hair.
  • Conditioning shampoos –Also known as moisturizing shampoo, this product helps to make the hair more manageable, smooth, and shiny. They can be used for dry, brittle, and colored hair.
  • Clarifying shampoos – This shampoo is generally used to cleanse the hair before a chemical treatment. These shampoos are not recommended after using hair color as it removes the color quickly.
  • Dry shampoo – Also called powder shampoos, are products that are useful to revive the look without wash and blow-dry.
  • Medicated shampoo – In most cases, they contain special ingredients that help in reducing dandruff. They may also aid in reducing the symptoms of other scalp conditions.
  • Straightening shampoo —These products contain a coating ingredient, like silicones, that coat the hair and helps straighten it.
  • Balancing shampoos – They claim to remove excess oil from the scalp and hair, and prevent it from drying. This product is generally recommended for oily hair.