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Bradford Bentley, DPT

Physical Therapist

Bradford Bentley is a Doctor of Physical Therapy practicing in Burien, WA. Bradford Bentley specializes in physical treatment to help a patient reduce pain, restore mobility, rehabilitate an injury, or increase movement and overall function. As a physical therapist, Bradford Bentley can treat virtually any orthopedic/nureological condition with exercises, joint mobilizations, soft tissue massage techniques such as ASTYM, manual lymph drainage (MLD), neuromuscular stimulation (NMES), therapeutic ultrasound, electrical stimulation, joint mobilization, ice, real-time MSK diagnostic ultrasound and more. Bradford Bentley will create a treatment plan based on the specific injury or condition, and might target a specific body part or body system based on the individual.
21 years Experience
Bradford Bentley, DPT
  • Burien, WA
  • Rocky Mountain University
  • Accepting new patients

I am a woman suffering from Jones fracture. What is the course of treatment for this?

I would consult with an orthopedic medical doctor or podiatrist regarding the healing of the fracture and ask them when you will be ready to start physical therapy. Then consult READ MORE
I would consult with an orthopedic medical doctor or podiatrist regarding the healing of the fracture and ask them when you will be ready to start physical therapy. Then consult a physical therapist such as myself for an exam to develop a plan of care to finish remodeling the bone matrix, get your motion and strength back, and make sure your gait/running form is restored to normal. Hope that helps!

Is shoulder physical therapy painful?

It can be depending on the specific condition being treated. Trigger point knots and tight capsular tissue can be painful when we work on them but then feel better afterwards. READ MORE
It can be depending on the specific condition being treated. Trigger point knots and tight capsular tissue can be painful when we work on them but then feel better afterwards. If it is painful, it must produce results afterwards in order to make it worth going through the process. It can definitely help though.