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Jaime Rodriguez Quinquilla, M.D.

General Practitioner

Dr. Jaime Rodriguez Quinquilla is a General Physician, practicing in Vega Baja and San Juan, PR. Dr. Rodriguez Quinquilla practice minor surgical procedures including but not limited to biopsy and removal of warts, and performs house visits. There is no age limit in his practice from pediatrics to geriatrics and treats all kinds of medical conditions. 
14 years Experience
Jaime Rodriguez Quinquilla, M.D.
  • Accepting new patients

Is it normal to pee a lot when pregnant?

Yes. Due to pressure on the uterus on the bladder. Be very careful of discomfort or blood in urine. Ob/Gyn follow up is very important.

Eye, ear and head sensitivity, what could it be?

What you are describing might be an overwhelming infection of ear or eye. Sadly without physical exam I can’t make a proper Dx or recommend tx. Pt should be seen by certified Md READ MORE
What you are describing might be an overwhelming infection of ear or eye. Sadly without physical exam I can’t make a proper Dx or recommend tx. Pt should be seen by certified Md for proper evaluation and treatment

How serious is mono in a child?

Auto-limiting disease, need to treat symptoms. GP evaluation is recommended.

Is general anesthesia safe for the elderly?

It's generally safe for everyone, but complications can happen.

Energy drinks?

If you suffer from cardiac problems, I would suggest no drink.

STD Inquiry?

If HIV positive, seek medical attention right away. For syphilis, a course of antibiotic is recommended. Contact your gp for the best option.

Should I get a chiropractic adjustment if my back hurts?

First, consult with gp to evaluate the source of pain.

General health?

You are in need of a general physical exam. I recommend your gp.

Ibuprofen and the Moderna Covid vaccine?

I don't think ibuprofen interferes with the vaccine.


Use benadryl for 48 hrs...if not controlled, go to pcp for better rx.

How long does a kidney infection take to clear up?

Depends on the grade of infection. Usually between 7 and 14 days.

Can celiacs eat chocolate?

Yes, but have to be aware of the ingredients...unfortunately, most are made with gluten.

Can you reverse type 2 diabetes?

No. If good diet/exercise regimen is followed, no medical rx should be needed.

Can cold weather affect your ears?

If it’s really cold and skin is not protected you can get frostbite even in the earlobes...but changes in temperature shouldn’t affect hearing...if you have a hearing problem follow READ MORE
If it’s really cold and skin is not protected you can get frostbite even in the earlobes...but changes in temperature shouldn’t affect hearing...if you have a hearing problem follow up with your pcp for prompt evaluation

Low pulse and BP?

You should get checked out by doctor...probably meds for your bp and an ekg or echocardiogram to asses the heart...

What is the best antibiotic to treat pneumonia?

There is no best one...depends on the organism that causes the infection...but the most used for Community acquired pneumonia is erythromycin...

Can my primary family doctor prescribe my sotalol?

Yes, sir, but always follow up with cardiology for possible optimization of meds.

What causes these kind of wounds?

Sounds like he could have peripheral vascular disease...poor blood flow...mostly on lower extremities...water pools, skin brakes, ulcers happened...he should get a Doppler study READ MORE
Sounds like he could have peripheral vascular disease...poor blood flow...mostly on lower extremities...water pools, skin brakes, ulcers happened...he should get a Doppler study on legs to confirm...