Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi Receives the RealSelf 100 Award

Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi Receives the RealSelf 100 Award
Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi Plastic Surgeon Beverly Hills, California

Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi is a hair restoration surgeon practicing in Beverly Hills, California. Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi is best known in the Hair Restoration industry for his artistic design and natural looking hairlines with unrivaled density and thickness. Visit our website or call for more information: www.alviarmani.com... more

Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi is the President and Medical Director of Alvi Armani, Beverly Hills. He was chosen by Dr. Antonio Armani due to his high ethical, clinical, and artistic standards of excellence in congruence with the foundation of Alvi Armani, after undergoing an intensive fellowship in the Vitruvian follicular unit extraction transplantation, temple angle closure, and mega session hair transplantation. Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi’s passion and meticulous dedication are focused on ensuring that the ideal outcome is achieved for each single graft that is implanted. The highest standard of care can be traced to his medical and educational background.

Born in Jefferson City, Missouri, Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi graduated as a honored member of Phi Beta Kappa with magna cum laude in biology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, a place where he was able to study various art philosophies in pursuing his artistic endeavors as the photographer for the Daily Nexus, the local newspaper. He then obtained his medical doctorate from the University of California, Irvine, and his path led him to Los Angeles where he completed his residency at UCLA/Wadsworth, receiving his board certification. Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi has been voted the “Resident of the Year” in all years of his tenure there.

Dr. Baubac Hayadtavoudi has been selected as a Top 100 doctor on RealSelf. The medical professionals who made the 2016 RealSelf Top 100 list represent the top 1% of the RealSelf doctor community. Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi has a special interest in the artistic and humanistic aspect of hair restoration where his skill set and artistic pursuits in performing the complexities of hair transplantation converge to ensure that each patient’s expectations will be surpassed with the highest standards of excellence, compassion, and artistry.

Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi is one of 100 doctors worldwide to receive the RealSelf 100 Award, a prestigious award honoring the top influencers on RealSelf – the most trusted online destination to get informed about elective cosmetic procedures and to find and connect with doctors and clinics.

At Alvi Armani, our FUE hair transplant is a simple, outpatient procedure that has eliminated the customary linear incisions and stitching of the out-dated FUSS procedure. This minimally invasive process has significantly reduced the pain and healing time involved, and patients are able to return to their daily routine much faster than the traditional strip surgery.

The two transplant methods widely used today are FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and STRIP (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery). These procedures differ in the way the donor hair is extracted.

STRIP requires the cutting of a large strip of scalp from the patient’s donor area. The incision is then stitched shut, and the grafts are harvested from this strip.

The drawback to this procedure is that the patient is left with a long, linear scar across the donor area, preventing them from being able to sport a short hairstyle in the future, as hair must be kept longer in order to cover the scar. Of greater concern, however, is that the FUSS procedure greatly decreases the useable donor hair, affecting the patient’s capacity for future procedures to restore their hair to its full potential.

The revolutionary FUE Hair Transplant procedure addresses these concerns, as individual follicles can be extracted directly from the donor area, eliminating any strip removal. This results in a significantly reduced healing time and NO linear scar. The patient has the freedom to trim and style their hair as they please. Furthermore, the lack of strip removal maximizes amount of donor hair that can be harvested.

Alvi Armani’s Vitruvian method focuses on Vitruvian Design, natural hairlines, maximum density and strategic placement. Early teachings of famed Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, inspired Vitruvian design. He taught us that a structure must possess firmitas, utilitas and venustas; it must be strong, useful and aesthetically pleasing. Marcus Pollio later turned his attention to what he considered the ideal work of art ever created… the Human Form. He compiled his work in the renowned book De Archetura.

Alvi Armani offers stand-alone Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment to hair loss patients as well as PRP Therapy in combination with hair restoration procedures.

This revolutionary treatment is used to regenerate hair growth, enhance hair shaft caliber, improve scalp health, revise scars, and expedite healing after hair restoration procedures.

During Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy your own blood is drawn, centrifuged to concentrate healing properties, and re-injected into the scalp to reawaken hibernating follicles, speed healing, rejuvenate your skin and scalp, and improve overall quality, thickness and density of your hair.

The PRP results have proven extraordinary and to be effective in both men and woman suffering from hair loss.

Alvi Armani’s PRP techniques have shown to accelerate the regeneration process, and improve overall scalp health. Additionally, the therapy makes use of the proteins and growth factors that are included in PRP. These factors, including VEGF and PDGF, have shown to induce follicular growth and result in the strengthening of miniaturized hairs making for a fuller, thicker and healthier head of hair.

As a stand-alone therapy, improvements can be seen as early as 2 months after treatment. Results are sustained for more than 18 months and are improved with booster treatments. After your PRP stand-alone treatment, there is little discomfort and full activity can be resumed.

Alvi Armani also offers Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment in combination with a Hair Restoration procedure. Patients who have a hair restoration combined with PRP treatment have experienced faster healing times post op, less shedding and higher retention of transplanted grafts post procedure, and earlier regrowth of transplanted follicles.

Our team of expert hair restoration physicians, nurses, and technologists whom specialize in PRP therapy is led by world renowned hair loss specialist Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi MD, Chief Hair Restoration Surgeon and Medical director of Alvi Armani.

Please ask one of our hair loss consultants for more information regarding our PRP Therapy.