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Samuel Williams, III


Dr. Samuel K. Williams, III, MD, CPG is an internist and geriatrician in Albany, Georgia. Dr. Williams, III specializes in the medical treatment of adults. These specialists can act as a primary physician or a consultant to a primary physician. They manage both common and rare diseases. Dr. Williams, III provides comprehensive care and manages treatment with surgeons as well. Internists and geriatricians establish long-term relationships with their patients and incorporate disease prevention and mental health care into their practice. Dr. Williams is certified in gerontology through the National Association of Professional Gerontologists(N.A.P.G.).
16 years Experience
Samuel Williams, III
  • Albany, GA
  • Meharry Medical College
  • Not accepting new patients

What activities to avoid after a bronchoscopy?

These are specified by the specialist, but they may include avoidance of eating and a brief period of rest prior to ambulation.

What helps with insomnia?

Exercise. Reading prior to bedtime. Keep a journal. Hot tea. Melatonin. If simple intervention doesn't work see a professional.

Can you fix obesity with only diet changes?

Yes, but it doesn't always work sometimes additional measures must be taken.

Is a lung x-ray safe?

Viewpoints vary radiation can have adverse effects.

What helps knee arthritis?

There are many treatments like obesity management and exercise.

Can antidepressants cause health issues?

Yes sometimes worsening disease, suicide, and heart problems as well.

How long does it take for high blood pressure medicine to work?

It varies based upon the prescription and the individual.

Should I take Imodium for diarrhea or let it run its course?

Hi, a simple case of diarrhea that does not have any alarming features such as severe dehydration, abdominal pain, blood in your stool, high fevers, or anorexia might clear on READ MORE
Hi, a simple case of diarrhea that does not have any alarming features such as severe dehydration, abdominal pain, blood in your stool, high fevers, or anorexia might clear on its own as long as you stay well-hydrated. Otherwise, I would seek an urgent evaluation. In any case, even simple instances of diarrhea are more than meets the eye. <> <> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Do probiotics help with celiac disease?

It has been hypothesized that the intestinal microbiota is somehow involved in CD. For this reason, probiotics are appearing as an interesting adjuvant in the dietetic management READ MORE
It has been hypothesized that the intestinal microbiota is somehow involved in CD. For this reason, probiotics are appearing as an interesting adjuvant in the dietetic management of CD.


What can you not do after prostate surgery?

It varies based on the nature of the surgery and duration of time elapsed.
Kindly follow your physician's instructions. Thank you!

Should I go to ER for an overdose?

Yes go ASAP and have a complete evaluation!

Do pap smears hurt?

Hello, and thank you for this question. Medical procedures, including pap smears, may at times be painful. Your physician will be able to give you more information on this matter. READ MORE
Hello, and thank you for this question. Medical procedures, including pap
smears, may at times be painful. Your physician will be able to give you
more information on this matter. Thank you.


Samuel K. Williams, III, MD, CPG

Is it bad that my sat drops?

One's oxygen saturation can decrease as a result of normal exertion/physical activity or from the effect of a chronic or acute disease process. In either case, I recommend that READ MORE
One's oxygen saturation can decrease as a result of normal exertion/physical activity or from the effect of a chronic or acute disease process. In either case, I recommend that you discuss this with your doctor ASAP as it may be a sign of severe disease.

Can kidney stones be misdiagnosed as cysts?

Thank you for the question. Kidney stones are found within the tubes that connect the kidney to the bladder, and can be at the junction of the kidney and bladder or ureter. READ MORE
Thank you for the question.
Kidney stones are found within the tubes that connect the kidney to the bladder, and can be at the junction of the kidney and bladder or ureter. A kidney stone, once the ureter is inflamed, may penetrate and enter into the area of the nephron or migrate into the tissue surrounding the kidney. That is probably rarely encountered physiologically. A kidney stone that does that might be mistaken for a cyst.
Have a nice day!


Samuel K. Williams, III, MD, CPG

Aches and pains?

I am not sure seek immediate evaluation by a physician.

What procedure is used to clear a blocked artery?

The procedure has a fancy name, but it involves inserting a thin machine into the stopped up artery and wiggling or vibrating it to loosen up the blockage. Then utilizing various READ MORE
The procedure has a fancy name, but it involves inserting a thin machine into the stopped up artery and wiggling or vibrating it to loosen up the blockage. Then utilizing various chemicals to keep it open, and sometimes adding a stent, et cetera.
Thank you.

Are cramps normal in early pregnancy?

Hi, Benign cramps may occur throughout pregnancy, but may also be a sign of impending pre-mature or pre-term delivery. I am an internist, if you desire more specific details, READ MORE

Benign cramps may occur throughout pregnancy, but may also be a sign of impending pre-mature or pre-term delivery. I am an internist, if you desire more specific details, then please ask an OB/GYN.
Thank you.