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Jose A Torres Ramirez

General Practitioner

Dr. Jose A Torres Ramirez is a general practitioner practicing in Ponce, PUERTO RICO. Dr. Torres Ramirez does not specialize in one area of medicine, however provides routine health care services. General practitioners typically have regular, even life-long patients who they provide health care services to. Dr. Torres Ramirez provides services including physical exams, immunizations, and diagnosing and treating multiple illnesses and injuries. General practitioners typically work in private offices and clinics and have staffs of nurses and administators.
Jose A Torres Ramirez
  • Ponce, PUERTO RICO
  • Accepting new patients

Can fish oil prevent heart attacks?

Studies show Omega 3, 6, and 9 decrease level of LDL cholesterol. Due to cholesterol level decrease, it improves the cardiovascular system function.

Bloodwork question?

8 hr of fast is the best choice.