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Dr. Prakash Arumugam


Dr. Prakash Arumugam is a hospitalist practicing in Point Pleasant, WV. Dr. Arumugam specializes in the comprehensive medical care of hospitalized patients. As a hospitalist, Dr. Arumugam manages the clinical problems of hospitalized patients and the acutely ill, while working to improve the performance of the hospital. Dr. Arumugam works in collaboration with all of the different doctors that are working with the patient. Hospitalists are involved in the diagnosis, treatment and medical procedures of patients.
18 years Experience
Dr. Prakash Arumugam
  • Point Pleasant, WV
  • The Ohio State University
  • Accepting new patients

Anemia Uncovered: How Knowing the Cause Can Lead to Better Treatment

Anemia is a condition caused by a low number or quality of red blood cells, which are needed to carry oxygen throughout the body. Patients with anemia usually experience symptoms...