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Maziar Izadi


Dr. Izadi earned his DDS from New York University Dentistry and underwent residency training in the oral surgery department at Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn, NY. With a career spanning since 2003, he actively contributes to the development of dental board examination questions for California Dentist Licensing. He expresses a passion for his profession, stating, "I am passionate about my work and enjoy engaging with people."
21 years Experience
Maziar Izadi
  • Simi Valley, California
  • New York University Dentistry
  • Accepting new patients

Signs and Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a serious medical condition characterized by the growth of cancer cells within the parts of the mouth including the lips, tongue, gums, the floor of the mouth, and...

What are the symptoms of periodontal diseases?

Periodontal disease can significantly impact your oral health if left unchecked. Recognizing the symptoms early is key to preventing its progression: Swollen, Red Gums - Healthy...