Healthy Living

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Fall Allergies?

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Fall Allergies?

Seasonal allergies are very common in the United States, especially during the fall. Just like spring and summer allergic reactions, fall allergies may also cause a number of symptoms that may make you wary of going out to have some fresh air.

Some of the common causes of fall allergies include:

  • Ragweed – This is one of the most common allergy triggers during the fall. The light pollen grains travel a long distance and continue coming in through September and October. Many people who are allergic to spring plants are found to be allergic to this plant also. So, even if the weed does not grow in your neighborhood, the drifting grains of pollen can affect you in the fall and until the beginning of winter.
  • Mold – This is another common trigger of allergies during the fall season. Mold usually grows in wet and damp places within the house and outside, and produces spores, which is the actual trigger of an allergic response. Spores of mold are one of the most common airborne allergens during the fall. They are very light and can be easily inhaled. These spores rise high into the air during the warm parts of the day, while it settles down during the cool evenings.
  • Other weeds – Weeds like goldenrod, curly dock, lamb’s quarters, pigweed, sheep sorrel, and sagebrush may not be a significant trigger of allergies but may cause allergic response in different parts of the country.
  • Dust mites – These common allergens are brought back into action when the heat is turned on. Although not as active as in summer, these allergens can cause sneezing, wheezing, and runny noses during fall.
 When is Allergy Season?

The most common symptoms associated with fall allergies include:

  • Runny nose
  • Watering of the eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Itchy eyes
  • Itchy nose
  • Presence of dark circles under the eyes

Symptoms of fall allergies can be prevented by simple methods, including:

  • Avoid moving outdoors for a long time, particularly during the parts of the day when the pollen and spore count is high.
  • Remember to clean the vent of the cooler before using it in the fall.
  • Use HEPA filters to remove pollen and mold from the air.
  • Increase the humidity of the room up to 50%.