
1 What is ConZip?

Brand: ConZip, FusePaq Synapryn, Rybix ODT, Ryzolt, Ultram, Ultram ER

Generic: Tramadol

Brand name:

ConZip, FusePaq Synapryn, Rybix ODT, Ryzolt, Ultram, Ultram ER

Tramadol is an opioid analgesic that is used to treat moderate to severe pain. Its action is mainly targeted in the central nervous system.

Since it is an opioid derivative, habitual use can lead to substance dependence. This is why tramadol is a prescription drug.

It is marketed in different forms:

  • Extended-release tablets and capsules
  • Suspensions
  • Disintegrating tablets
  • Regular tablets
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2 What to Know Before Using

Talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of tramadol before using it for treatment.

There are several factors to consider, which include age, allergies, drug interactions, pregnancy, and other medical conditions.There hasn’t been enough research on the efficacy and safety of tramadol use in children younger than 16 years old.

As for geriatric patients, studies have not shown any geriatric-related issues that could decrease the efficacy of tramadol use although age-related conditions may put them at a higher risk for adverse effects.

Tramadol is a Pregnancy Category C, and studies have not shown enough evidence to suggest that use during breastfeeding has any harmful effects on the infant.

Certain drugs may sever interactions with tramadol. Inform your doctor about any maintenance drugs. Drugs to avoid include naltrexone, rasagiline, and selegiline. Ingestion of alcoholic beverages and prohibited drugs are discouraged.

If you want any underlying medical condition, inform your doctor.

There are several drugs that could have a negative reaction to tramadol, so make sure you have a lengthy discussion with your physician about this.

3 Proper Usage

When taking this medication, follow the prescription of your physician. Do not change your dosing or timing in any way without consulting your doctor. Handle disintegrating tablets with dry hands. These should not be broken, crush or chewed. The same goes for extended-release tablets.

Chronic Pain: extended-release tablets, for adults, usually your physician will prescribe 100 mg/day once a day, which can be increased by your doctor as necessary but not exceeding 300 mg/day.

For children, the dosage is to be determined by a physician.

For regular tablets, teenagers 16 years old and above, as well as adults, are prescribed 50-100 mg/day every four to six hours and can be increased to not more than 400 mg/day.

Moderate to severe pain: disintegrating tablets, for adults and teenagers, the dosage is 50-100 mg/day every four to six hours and can be increased by your physician to not more than 400 mg/day.

For children less than 16 years old, the dosage is to be determined by the physician. Regular tablets, for adults and teenagers, dosage can be 25 mg/day in the morning and increased to not more than 400 mg/day by your physician.

Again, use and dosage in children younger than 16 years old are to be determined by the doctor. For missed doses, take it as soon as you remember. However, if your next dose is close, skip it and return to your regular schedule.

Do not double dose your tramadol. Store your medication in a sealed container away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture. Keep away from children and discard expired medicines.

4 Precautions to Take

It is important that you go to your doctor’s appointments regularly, so he/she can check your progress.

Here are some of the precautions to take with using tramadol:

  • Since tramadol is an opioid analgesic it can interact with other CNS depressants including antihistamines, sedatives, prescription pain medicine, barbiturates, and anesthetics. It tramadol while taking those medications can put you at a higher risk of seizures.
  • Tramadol can cause depression and suicidal ideation. Report any change in your behavior or family history of mental disorder to your doctor.
  • Inform your surgeon or dentist that you are on tramadol before undergoing any kind of procedure.
  • Tramadol also decreases alertness, so do not engage in activities that need concentration when on this medication.
  • Watch out for signs and symptoms of overdose and seek medical attention immediately. These include seizures, labored breathing, pale lips, pinpoint pupils, and shortness of breath.
  • Do not abruptly stop taking tramadol. Talk to your physician first.

5 Potential Side Effects

Tramadol has several side effects.

Call you physician or seek medical attention right away if you are experiencing seizures, shallow breathing, severe skin reactions (fever, sore throat, swelling in your face or tongue, red or purple skin rash), and symptoms of increased serotonin levels (hallucinations, fever, loss of coordination, fast heart rate, agitation, nausea, vomiting, overactive reflexes, diarrhea and fainting).

Tramadol also causes anxiety, dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, sweating, itching, flushing, constipation, vomiting, stomachache, and decreased alertness.

This is not a complete list, so discuss the normal side effects and adverse reactions with your doctor or healthcare team in more detail.
