
1 What is Cutivate?

Brand: Cutivate

Generic: Topical fluticasone

Brand name:


Topical fluticasone is a corticosteroid that is indicated for the treatment of redness, itching, scaling, and dryness that are related to various skin conditions.

It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your physician. It is only available with a prescription. It is sold in different forms including creams, lotions, and ointments.

2 What to Know Before Using

It is essential that you consider the pros and cons of using topical fluticasone before starting treatment. Inform your doctor if you’ve had prior allergic reactions to medications of the same kind. You also need to tell your healthcare provider if you are allergic to certain food, dyes, preservatives, animals, and/or other medications.

Fluticasone ointment is not recommended for children. For the creams and lotions, however, pediatric-specific effects of this medication have not been found.

It should still be used with caution in 1-year-old children and younger because they can absorb the active ingredients more. This can cause serious side effects.

You should follow your doctor’s instructions diligently. Studies have not found geriatric-related problems caused by topical fluticasone.

Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant. There is little evidence on the effects of topical fluticasone on nursing babies and so the benefits and risks involved should be carefully considered prior to starting treatment.

Tell your doctor about other medications you are taking and consult him/her before taking any over-the-counter medications.

Topical fluticasone should not be used or used with caution in patients who have the following medical conditions as it may worsen them:

3 Proper Usage

Follow your physician’s instructions regarding usage, dosage, and duration of treatment. Deviating from your doctor’s orders may put you at risk of developing serious side effects.

Applying this medication on large areas of the body for a prolonged period can cause skin thinning and other side effects. Avoid getting this medication on mucous membranes. Do not ingest it. It is to be applied to the skin only.

Again, do not apply this medication on cuts, sores, scrapes, or burns. It is imperative that you read the patient information sheet prior to starting treatment.

Use this medication for the indicated condition only. Apply this medication to the face, groin, or underarms only if directed by your physician. Otherwise, do not apply it to those areas.

Wash your hands and the affected area before applying the cream, lotion, or ointment. Apply a thin layer of the medication then gently rub it in.

Do not let clothing, water, or other things get into contact with that area before it dries. Bandage the affected part only if directed by your physician. If you are applying this on the diaper area of a baby, make sure your follow the instructions given by your doctor and do not use tight diapers or pants.

If you are to use an occlusive dressing over this medication, do it as directed by your doctor. If you are using the cream for to treat atopic dermatitis, apply the medication to the affected part once or twice a day.

Lotions should be applied once daily. For the treatment of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses, creams and ointments are to be applied to the affected area twice a day. Take missed doses as soon you as remember.

Resume the normal timing of topical fluticasone if the next schedule is near. Keep your medication away from children’s reach. Place it somewhere safe and at room temperature.

4 Precautions to Take

Go to your scheduled follow-up appointments diligently so that your physician can check your progress and treat any side effects that develop. It also gives him the chance to make sure that the medication is working effectively. Inform your doctor if your symptoms haven’t improved in 2 weeks.

Prolonged and increased used of topical fluticasone can put you at risk of developing adrenal gland problems. Children are also prone to this risk. If you experience blurred vision, irregular heart rate, dizziness or fainting, irritability, unusual tiredness, and/or increased thirst or urination, notify your doctor right away.

Check with your healthcare provider also if you experience burning, stinging, swelling, or irritation of the skin, as well as rashes. Do not put cosmetic or skin care products on the affected area while being treated with topical fluticasone.

5 Potential Side Effects

There are several side effects associated with fluticasone use. Inform your healthcare provider immediately if you have the following symptoms:

  • Burning
  • Redness
  • Itching
  • or Stinging of the skin
  • and Hives, welts, or rashes
  • Raised and dark red spots on the skin

Less common side effects that may not need immediate medical attention include:

Notify your doctor if your symptoms to not get better.
