
1 What is an Essure?

A type of permanent birth control for women is called Essure system which cannot be reversed.

Your doctor will use hysteroscope that will be inserted in your vagina into the cervix and up to the uterus then small metal and fiber coils will be passed through the hyteroscope into your fallopian tubes.

This can cause scar tissue to form around the coils and will block the fallopian tubes to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg.

This procedure will take three months to become effective so you can prevent pregnancy or up to six months in some cases.

Your doctor will advise you to use contraceptives first to make sure that you will not be pregnant and this procedure is not a protection from sexually transmitted infections.

2 Reasons for Procedure

Here are the most common reasons to undergo an Essure procedure.

This is a type of female sterilization and the benefits are:

  • effectiveness
  • permanence
  • no significant long-term side effects
  • no using or contraceptives
  • no scarring or incision of the skin
  • convenience

Your doctor may discourage the use of this if:

  • you still want to become pregnant
  • you had an abortion or gave birth within the past six weeks
  • you had a pelvic infection
  • you had a recent tubal ligation
  • you are allergic to contrast agent that is used to confirm tubal blockage
  • you have a tubal or uterine condition

3 Potential Risks

The guidelines for women who want to have Essure system was updated by the Food and Drug Administration in 2016 so that they will understand better the risks.

This birth control remains an appropriate treatment for the majority of women who wants permanent birth control.

Some of the possible risks that are related to Essure system are:

  • infection
  • pelvic pain
  • tubal blockage occurring on only one side
  • perforation of the uterus or fallopian tubes

You may not be able to have some types of endometrial ablation after this is implanted and this is not a protection from STIs.

Fewer than 1 out of 100 women will get pregnant in the first year after implantation and the risk is at the highest during the first three months after the implanting but there is a test to confirm the blockage of the fallopian tubes to reduce the risk of pregnancy.

There is a higher chance that the pregnancy will be ectopic if you conceived after having it implanted.

4 Preparing for your Procedure

To prepare for the Essure your doctor will:

  • talk to you about the benefits and risks of this procedure; will ask you what is your reason for doing this and will tell you that sometimes it can lead to regret
  • explain the procedure
  • will discuss the causes and the probability of sterilization failure
  • will tell you that it cannot be reversed
  • discuss with you that you will still need to use contraceptives after three months of implantation
  • help you choose the best time to do the procedure
  • discuss the risk of having STI and the need to use condoms

Your doctor may suggest that this procedure must be done after your period and he will need a clear view of your tubal openings to insert the Essure system.

Your doctor may even suggest using a hormonal contraceptive that has progestin to thin the lining of your uterus if you have irregular menstruation.

5 What to Expect

Read on to learn more about what to expect before, during, and after your Essure procedure.

This is an outpatient procedure and your doctor will use a hysteroscope and will take about 30 minutes or less.

You may also be given medication before the procedure to minimize the spasms and reduce pain in your fallopian tubes.

During the procedure, the hysteroscope will be inserted into your vagina and cervix into your uterus and with the use of a small catheter that is attached to the hysteroscope and then he will place small coils inside your fallopian tubes.

After the procedure you can go home after but side effects may include such as:

Consult your doctor if you pass a coil or you have severe or persistent pelvic pain. You will be advised to use another method of contraception after three months to avoid being pregnant.

You will undergo an x-ray or hysterosalpingography or ultrasound if the Essure system is placed correctly and to check if your fallopian tubes are blocked.

You can only stop using it if the procedure is successful. This is not reversible and will not affect your menstrual cycle.

6 Procedure Results

Your doctor will discuss with your Essure results. You will need follow-up appointments with your doctor.

The result of this procedure is that you will not become pregnant. Only 1 out 100 women who had this has become pregnant during the first year after the implantation.

7 Related Clinical Trials
