Neck Lift Cosmetic Surgery

1 What is a Neck Lift Cosmetic Surgery?

Neck lift cosmetic surgery is a set of procedures used to enhance the appearance of your neck: cervicoplasty – the procedure used to remove excess skin and platysmaplasty – removes or alters neck muscles.

Also, a surgeon can perform neck liposuction, which removes excess fat and Botox injections which can relax parts of the platysma that are responsible for the "band" appearance or look of fullness.

Prior to the procedure, a patient will receive instructions on what medications and vitamins to avoid prior to your surgery because they can thin blood and can cause increased bleeding.

At home, the patient must prepare a recovery area that should include ice packs, gauze and towels, thermometer, petroleum jelly and antibacterial ointment for incision sites and lots of pillows which will allow the patient to keep their head in a comfortable position.

On the day of surgery, the patient must wear loose, comfortable clothing, a button-down blouse or a shirt that does not have to be pulled over neck or head. The procedure usually last two to three hours but it depends on the type of the procedure (a neck lift in conjunction with liposuction, facelift, brow lift, or other surgeries).

  • During platysmaplasty surgery, a surgeon will make incisions under patient's chin and/or behind ears to access the platysma (neck muscle) and manipulate it accordingly. Sometimes, that may even mean removing some muscle. During a new less invasive procedure, a surgeon can make smaller incisions and use an endoscope (small camera attached to a thin tube) to complete the surgery.
  • During cervicoplasty, a surgeon will make few small incisions, trim parts of the skin and lift it into place and secured it with tissue glue or stitches.
  • During liposuction, a will make a small incision below the chin and remove the excess fat. It is very common for plastic surgeons to begin a neck lift surgery with liposuction.

After surgery, recovery is the most important. Most people can return to work in 10-14 days but they must not participate in sports or other physical activity at least three weeks.

Swelling, bruising, tightness, burning, pulling and numbness are very normal in the first few weeks following surgery and should not be cause for concern. Also, there is a risk of infection as with any surgery so the patient must a watchful eye on his/her temperature.

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