Osteoarthritis Bracing

1 What are Knee Braces for Osteoarthritis?

This brace can help reduce pain by shifting your weight off the most damaged portion of your knee is called knee brace for osteoarthritis. This may help in improving the distance that you walk comfortably and may in your ability to get around.

Most of the knee braces are constructed with a combination of flexible and rigid materials such as metal or plastic or other composite material for basic support and structure, but they may also come in variety of designs. It also has moldable foam or synthetic rubber for positioning and padding.

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2 Reasons for Procedure

Here are the most common reasons to receive knee brace for osteoarthritis.

The wear-and-tear type of arthritis that commonly affects the knees of older people is called osteoarthritis. The bottom of the thighbone has two large knobs, and osteoarthritis can affect one of the knobs surfaces more than the other.

This may worsen or cause a malalignment that may make your stance look knock-kneed or bowlegged. This malalignment worsens as the damage progresses.

A knee brace can help in taking the pressure off and help in relieving pain. A knee brace can also help you stand and move around with more confidence if your knee feels like it might buckle when you put weight on it. This can also be combined with other treatments such as physical therapy and medication.

3 Potential Risks

The risks of knee brace for osteoarthritis include:

  • Swelling or skin irritation of the skin underneath the braces which can become red if the brace fits poorly you may have some swelling in the joint.
  • Discomfort wearing the brace because it may feel bulky, heavy or hot at first.
  • Lack of benefit or some have no benefit at all that they can get from wearing a knee brace but in some cases, it reduced pain and increased function.

4 Preparing for your Procedure

In preparing for your knee brace for osteoarthritis, you must follow your doctor’s orders. 

Consult your doctor first if you want to have a knee brace so both of you can discuss if it will help your problem and how you may actually wear it regularly.

He will then refer you to an orthotist and write a prescription for it. The orthotist who designs, builds and fits braces will help you.

You might want to check with your health insurance provider first to see whether these types of devices are covered by your policy because Custom-made knee braces can cost more than $1,500.

5 What to Expect

Here’s what you can expect before, during, and after your knee brace for osteoarthritis.

Depending on how much support you need for different activities and at different times of day, some of the knee braces allows you to adjust the pressure they apply to your knee and some are ready-made in several sizes. You may be able to take it home that day if you find an off-the-shelf brace that fits you well.

Custom knee braces are designed and built to fit your exact measurements. You may have to wait for a few weeks because it takes the time to build a custom knee brace. Your orthotist will check it first before bringing it at home.

During the fitting, your orthotist might:

  • Examine your knee.
  • Ask what activities you want to increase.
  • Ask about the history of your knee arthritis and also the symptoms that you are experiencing.
  • Take several measurements of your leg to determine your size.
  • Ask you to walk in few paces to check the function of your knee.
  • Make your try various knee braces to check what style you want and what is best for you.
  • Explain the difference of knee designs.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of off-shelf and custom braces.

He will then teach you how to put on and take off the knee brace and make you try it out. For some people, they find it beneficial to wear the brace most of the day while some wear their knee braces only during continuous activity such as playing sports or walking.

6 Procedure Results

If you do not understand your knee brace for osteoarthritis results, consult with your doctor. Knee braces can:

  • Improve knee function such as reducing the pain you feel when going up stairs or walking or it may also make it possible for you to walk longer distances.
  • Increase your confidence in your knee and offer stability because osteoarthritis may result to guarding your knee and avoid putting weight on it.