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Am I at risk of HIV?

I'm a 29 year old male. So, around 2 weeks ago, I had unprotected sex (vaginally). I talked to her afterward and asked if she thought she had it. She said no, she recently had a long-term relationship. Since then, I also had protected sex with a sex worker. Stupid, I know. In my brain, even though this was protected, I still feel like this is where my risk was higher given her job. We used condoms both orally and vaginally. She removed the condom afterward and the sperm was all inside (so, I'm assuming, it didn't break). This was 2 days ago.

I did test myself yesterday (2 weeks, I know, but I thought it would help me reassure) and it come out negative. It didn't help because I still think that my risk was higher with the sex worker. Because it was 2 days ago, I managed to order a PEP that will arrive tomorrow morning (before the 72 hours window). I already paid for it. Am I at significant risk? Is it worth taking the PEP?

I'm also having some symptoms. I know that, if I have symptoms, they are already too late. Regardless, the symptoms are chills without fever and a slightly sore throat. I'm also a bit light-headed.

I know how this sounds like but I'm desperate. I also think that I'm depressed and need help, but I would like some reassurance that I can focus on depression instead of HIV.

Male | 29 years old

1 Answer

First of all, it is extremely unlikely that you have contacted HIV, plus you’re never going to have symptoms this quickly, you need to just get a grip and give this some time, and in the meantime if you feel comfortable taking the pills that’s fine but they’re probably not gonna do much good, and my advice would be, if you are having sex, you always need to be very
careful and stay protected, and considering the type of person you seem to be, you really should just stay away from sex workers. Contact your local county clinic or your primary care physician if you desire any further advice on testing, etc.