Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Anxiety problems?

I cannot get to a doctor's but I really need some help. I get so anxious and scared to the point where I physically feel faint and feel like I will be ill. I want to know if this is normal as I get anxious over the smallest things?

Female | 17 years old
Medications: Lucette

3 Answers

Anxiety is subjective, and if you are not able to control your body during an attack, it is a significant problem even if the trigger is very small.

The good news about COVID is that you can get to a doctor ONLINE! I do hope you have internet access. Although a bigger screen is better for what I will suggest, even a cellphone will work if you can get internet on it. I suggest you search for a specialist in hypnosis – a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, nurse, PA – basically, a licensed provider, who can teach you hypnosis for anxiety control. It is very easy to learn, and can be learned on zoom just fine. I know because that is my specialty. Look up the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and filter their referral list by ANXIETY. It is as simple as that. Anyone can learn it, and it doesn’t take a lot of specialized training to teach it, so even a licensed person with only a few years of experience can teach you.
Good luck!


Dr. Marian Shapiro, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Take a peak at this link...
Consider purchasing self-help book - Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Bourne 7th edition.
See a MH professional experienced at handling a multitude of anxiety issues.