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Autoimmune diseases causing hypothermia?

Hi, at the beginning of the summer I developed an itchy rash that worsened in sunlight. I assumed it was a new sun allergy and just dealt with the discomfort until it got worse and unbearable. My doc ran an ANA panel which came back positive >=1:1280 with a speckled pattern. I have visual disturbances, patches of skin numbness, hair loss, constant headache, brain fog, confusion, dizziness and for the last month or so, my temperature has been periodically dropping to hypothermic. I can tell when my temp is dropping because I feel very hot and start dripping sweat…for some reason, if I keep the house cold, my temp stays normal. If I get hot, my temp drops. I should also note that as of about a month ago, the rash started to spread to my lower back, sides, and thighs…which never see sunlight so it is no longer only triggered by sunlight, and in some places, the rash has also included hives.

So far, I have seen dermatology, rheumatology, neurology, and the eye doctor. Neuro checked nerves and muscles, and all are normal. I have had a brain and spine MRI and am normal. I have been checked for infectious disease and sepsis and the results are normal. My eyes are normal. Dermatology wasn’t able to do anything because I was on my third round of prednisone and the rash was gone. I have had 2 biopsies with my PCP and they have been inconclusive. According to my rheumatologist, it doesn’t sound like a connective tissue disease. But they also have never heard of lupus causing hypothermia. I have been referred to endocrinology but for now, I am just being tapered off prednisone and kind of wait and see. So far, all organ function is normal (based on labs) but no one can tell me what is wrong. Below are the only abnormal labs I have received so far. I would appreciate any help. I feel like I am getting nowhere, and I continue to feel awful, and it is really affecting my quality of life.

CARDIOLIPIN AB IGM slightly elevated at 14.3
MCHC slightly elevated at 35.3
MPV slightly low at 7.1
SCL 70 AUTO AB IGG positive value of 1

Female | 39 years old
Complaint duration: 4 months

3 Answers

I'm a radiologist and your question is out of my usual area. However, I will ask if you received the COVID vaccine. Dozens of complications associated with the vaccine are being elucidated all the time.
I wish I could provide you with more information. All the best...
I suggest talking with your Rheumatologist again and repeat tests for SLE and associated MCT disorders. From what you are manifesting and the pictures, it certainly looks like that's a possibility. One more thing to consider would be getting tested for Lyme disease. It can certainly manifest with many of your findings.
Dr. F.

You need an appointment to discuss and see exactly what testing was done. What's positive and negative.