Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can I lift weights with a disc hernia?

I have a disc hernia. Can I lift weights with a disc hernia?

7 Answers

Neck or low back.. It really depends on the MRI findings not from an X-ray if that's the case. With a true protrusion(herniation), I would not recommend it. Better to see an orthopedic doctor or chiropractor that is versed in treating disc protrusions after reading MRI results.
That depends on the severity of the hernia and the type of weightlifting you're doing. If anything, stick to lighter weights and more reps. Don't try to max out or PR especially if painful. Thank you for your time! Dr. Kortni Smith Owner IMS Chiropractic Clinics (760) 285-3824 [cid:d95f2f1b-0642-4cfa-906a-dbee3b361461]
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As a practicing chiropractor and subject myself of a disc herniation lifting weights can be very good or very bad depending on your lifting technique. Look into the McKenzie protocols and be very careful in letting your back twist or round forward when there is a weight load on you.
You need to b very careful, avoid dead lifts and lunges along w Sit-ups.
Leg presses at at any angle should also be avoided as well...
Stick to core exercises, chin ups, dips, planks use bands more than machines or free weights
Of course it depends on the severity/ intensity and location of your disc but most most most importantly is how you are loading your body that can add/ remove pressure form the disc that matters and that is why you want to see a sports chiropractor for evaluation as you plan your workout.

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Hello, it depends on how acute your hernia is, and how much you want to lift. Find a coach that is VERY good and will make sure you have great form. And that makes you stretch before and after lifting.
Only mild exercise is recommended if you have a disc hernia or bulge. While you are receiving chiropractic care to rehabilitate your spine, you should only do mild workouts using resistance bands or just body weight. Try not to torque or aggravate the herniated area. But, this is just general advice. You should seek qualified chiropractic care and the doctor will advise you directly.