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Can colon resection fix colon cancer?

I was diagnosed with stage 1 colon cancer. Can colon resection fix colon cancer?

8 Answers

Removing a part of the colon with cancer can cure colon cancer in early stages. However, no matter what the stage there is always a risk of recurrence and metastatic disease.
Colon cancer is treatable by surgical resection. If a low stage is confirmed on the pathology report, then a cure is at times achieved. If a higher stage is shown, then chemotherapy is needed if you are a good candidate, as determined by an oncologist. Wesley Marquart, MD, DABS
Yes it can cure you.
Absolutely! That is the treatment for stage I colon cancer. Best regards, R. Constantine
Stage 1 colon cancer by definition had not spread beyond the lining of the colon. Approximately 90% of patients are cured with surgery alone and will not experience a cancer recurrence.
It depends on how early the stage of the colon cancer is. Yout Tube and Wikipedia cure rates.
Yes, for stage 1 then the surgery should be curative.