Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Can lack of sleep cause blurred vision?

I am a 19 year old male. I want to know if lack of sleep can cause blurred vision?

7 Answers

You could get dry, irritated eyes that blur your vision.
Lack of sleep will not cause blurred vision. If there is an underlying vision problem then fatigue may make it harder for the eye muscles to maintain visual alignment and vision to appear less focused.

Dr. Mike
Yes, it is possible. Sleep deprivation can cause or worsen many medical problems and symptoms. However, there are many other causes of blurry vision and if it persists then eye doctor evaluation is important.
Lack of sleep can cause eyelid spasms or twitches, redness, and/or irritation. Irritation and dryness may cause blurred vision.
Not usually
Probably not. You should see an ophthalmologist. That is a medical MD specialist in eyes.
Insomnia may disturb your concentration and cause eye stress with focusing. Try to rest your eyes from time to time.