Dentist Questions Dentist

Can you eat with removable partial denture?

I am a 47 year old male. I want to know if you can eat with removable partial denture?

15 Answers

Yes, about 1/6 as effective as teeth.
Yes, you can eat with a removable partial denture. It may take some getting used to, but a well-fitting partial with proper bite can replace missing teeth and restore function.
Hi, ideally, yes, you should be able to eat with a removable partial denture. If you are having difficulty return to your dentist who fabricated it. They may be able to adjust it. Be aware your mouth does change over time so adjustments are normal.
Yes, you should be able to eat normally.
Yes, the purpose of removable partial dentures is to increase eating ability and efficiency. The only removable dentures that may be difficult to eat with are usually temporary plastic partials that are made to replace a recently extracted tooth.
Yes. You can eat with them. Not as easily as with your teeth, but very doable. 

Yes, you can. It is different, yet better than nothing.

The answer is, it varies with the number of teeth remaining. The type of partial, cast metal, valplast, or acrylic, the area covered, and the adaptability of the patient. It varies with all of these, from yes, to possibly, to...a no.
Hope this is helpful.
Yes. Cast partial dentures are the most stable, but fixed prosthesis like a bridge or implants are always going to feel and function more like natural teeth.
Yes, you can eat with a removable partial. It is actually preferable to eat with it in to give you more chewing surface and power because the partial is replacing teeth that you are missing.
Yes, you should eat with your removable partial denture in your mouth. If you can't, then you should visit your dentist for evaluation and possible adjustments.
You should be able to eat with your partial although it may take time getting used to the new bite. If you get sore spots just return to your dentist for adjustments. The more you wear the partials and the more you chew with them, the faster you will be able to use them for chewing.
Yes. Their purpose is to help restore cosmetics, form and function to our patients.
Absolutely, you should be able to eat with your partial dentures. That is the main ideas of having them, to balance your occlusion and chew your food to have good digestion.