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Could all of this have come with the mono?

My son had mono 3 years ago since that time he has stayed sick. He has random fevers, stomach aches, nosebleeds, and bone pain. His white blood count is 2.9. Could all of this have come with the mono?

Male | 12 years old
Complaint duration: 3 years

3 Answers

Hi, your son needs additional blood work and likely referral to Hematologist, or blood specialists as soon as possible.
This is likely not presumed to be from Mono from 3 years ago and is an emergency.
Chronic fatigue syndrome from mono is not uncommon. I would advise you seek out help from a doctor well versed in PANS, PANDAS, and chronic disease.

I don't think it's from Mono as that occurred 3 years ago. It is likely something else. I would see a Rheumatologist.