Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

Covid vaccine?

I don't have a GP, can I still have the covid vaccine?

Female | 56 years old
Conditions: Diabetes

6 Answers

Good Afternoon,
The answer is yes. Since you are diabetic you will likely be in the second or third wave of vaccinations. In general the best way to get scheduled for a vaccination is to contact your local health department. Later this year (April/May timeframe) the vaccines should be widely available through your local pharmacies as well.

P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO
Yes, you can get the vaccine through a local pharmacy which may be running a vaccine clinic or the health department in the county that you live in. You will have to wait until you qualify. They are rolling it out in such a way that it goes by age and exposure risk. 80-year-olds, for example, can get it next week.
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Yes. Call your local hospitals, your county health department and, if you have one, your diabetalogist. They can advise you about your opportunities. You should realize options are changing as more vaccine becomes available. And ask your pharmacist as they may have information. Above all, watch your local news. And in the meantime, practice social distancing to minimize your risks.

G. Dickinson
Yes, but you should contact your state health department to find out how and when you will receive it.

Yes you can still get the vaccine without a physicians prescription as long as your health department is offering it at centers and you go through their screening process
Of course!