Urologist Questions Urologist

How to treat symptoms after my UTI?

I had a UTI almost 2 years ago. Now I have extreme bloating, abdominal distension, and scrotum pain, I can't urinate properly from the blockage. I had a cystoscopy that came clear after 2 CT scans both found anterior midline bladder wall thickening likely relating to congenital urachal remnant without cyst or diverticulum. I was told to do nothing by my urologist.

I'm afraid I'm getting false negatives. I've had this 2 years since I had my UTI, I've taken every over-the-counter medicine. The abdominal distention, bloating, and not urinating properly with scrotum pain is too much for me to not do anything besides keep taking over the counter. I'm constantly burping trying to remove the gas from my stomach but the blockage is still there after 2 years.

Is there a medicine I can ask to get or I should do something else?

Male | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 2 years
Medications: Cipro
Conditions: UTI

2 Answers

You provided a brief description of your problems and you stated that the cause is a congenital abnormality causing a recurrent and ongoing problem. Have you had a second opinion with another urologist or have you sought care with a center of excellence who has clinical and research experience with this kind of problem. The centers are usually at University Settings. More medicine doesn't sound like a solution. Have you had anyone do a microbiome test? You should seek other expert care. Look for a center of excellence for research and treatment in congenital urachal remnant without cyst or diverticulum.
Consult GI and Functional Medicine.