Dermatologist (Pediatric) Questions Dermatologist

I have a toenail post-ingrown nail granulation and toenail fungus?

My 8 year old's right big toe started in July with pain, swelling, redness, and an ingrown toenail on the right side of the right big toe. I had cut the nail at side to remove ingrown, it felt better but got worse after two days. The left big toe started up in August due to a nail split at corners and healed but happened again in October. We're now at the 5th month of home treatment for both toes with all-natural remedies ie acv/salt/vinegar soaks, acv/essential oil dressings, and trimming nail as often as it grows out. After daily 1x soak, I dry them, apply essential oils, and cover with foam dressing and gauze. It's getting better day by day, but some days have more granulation.

We DO NOT want any PNA or surgery etc., my son has keloids and is perfectly healthy.

Are the granulations normal? How do I get rid of them faster? How should I dress them?

Male | 8 years old
Complaint duration: 5 months
Medications: none
Conditions: none

2 Answers

Sorry, at this point you need to see a Podiatrist because will be the best treatment for your son.
I would consult a pediatrician if I were you. Topical or oral antibiotics might decrease inflammation and promote healing.
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