Neurologist Questions Neurologist

I have numbness in my hands and feet?

I’ve been experiencing numbness in both hands (3 fingers in each hand) for a while, more so lately. It started when I was sleeping but now off and on during the day. Now my feet are starting to go numb too. Could this be a heart issue?

Male | 73 years old
Complaint duration: 3 years
Conditions: In relatively good health, some surgery’s ( shoulder and knees )

3 Answers

Symptoms in hands are typical for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. No, that is pure neurological and has nothing to do with your heart. I advise that you see a competent neurologist.
More likely a cervical stenosis issue, but cardiac causes would need to be ruled out as well as diabetes.
It is more likely a nerve problem than a heart problem. Awakening with the first three fingers numb or with pins and needles sensation frequently occurs with a pinched nerve at the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome). And a similar sensation can be present in the feet if the nerves in both arms and legs aren’t functioning (a peripheral neuropathy).

Leon Rosenberg