Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

I have pains a month after first Pfizer dose of vaccine?

I received the first Pfizer dose over a month ago, and I have had swollen lymph nodes that have settled over the month. I am left with remaining pain in numerous spots. My doctor said to just get the next dose and take Tylenol, but the pain that I am having is in my ribcage, under my ribcage near the bottom (what feels to be under the ribs, possibly not the rib itself, on my ribcage above my heart, and back pain in my upper back. What could be going on? I cannot find any information on this except similar things in enlarged spleens, liver problems, or inflammation of the lining of the ribcage. All of which could be signs of organ problems.

Male | 24 years old
Complaint duration: 1+ month
Medications: none
Conditions: none

1 Answer

Your PCP will need to order spleen US to evaluate splenomegaly that is possible due to vaccines, but other illnesses have to rule out as NHL/HL. No mention of B symptoms or other adenopathies.
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