Dentist | General Practice Questions

Implants and retainers

I just got my braces off 2 days ago, and now I have retainers. I have to get 2 implants in my mouth. My question is, do I have to pay for a new set of retainers after I get my 2 implants?

Female | 40 years old
Complaint duration: 09/09/2023
Medications: None
Conditions: None

2 Answers

Congrats on getting your braces off!!!

Yes, you may need to pay for a new set of retainers after getting your two implants, depending on the type of retainers you currently have and whether they can accommodate the implants. If your current retainers are designed to fit around your natural teeth and do not fit properly with the implants, new retainers customized to fit your new dental structure may be necessary.
It's best to consult with your orthodontist or dentist to determine the specific requirements and associated costs for new retainers in your situation.
It depends on the type of retainer. If it is the clear-tray type then you would need a new one after the implant. If it is a howley type with pink-acrylic and wire you may need just a simple adjustment of the retainer.