OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Is it possible to get pregnant if you had unprotected sex before your period?

I’ve been feeling abdominal pain and nausea the past three days. I think I got my period but not sure since it’s very light. Does that mean it’s over?

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: It’s lasted 3 days

2 Answers

Most women are well aware that they are likely to get pregnant around ovulation; however the timing of your cycle that is ‘most dangerous’ is actually 6-7days pre-ovulation and 36hours post ovulation. So if your periods are regular and predictable, count back from your cycle starting (day 1) and if your cycles are 28days and you had relations 10days before your cycle, it is a low likelihood you are pregnant. However, the best approach is always to do either a home urine pregnancy test (pee on a stick) or have your doctor do a blood quantitative HCG or blood pregnancy test to be certain. Why? Because one of the most dangerous options is an ectopic pregnancy where you may become pregnant and it’s in the tube; this type of pregnancy can cause abnormal bleeding and it can rupture your tube leading to internal bleeding and even hemorrhage/death.
Yes!!! The most fertile time is about mid-cycle between your periods.

Michael Nethers, MD