Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions knee pain

Knee pain

I have been battling with knee pain for a very long time. I noticed once I play football or sprint run, my knee swells up, hurts and causes me to limp when I walk. Over years I have used Diclofenac products and the knee pain still occurs.

What am I to do please?

Male | 24 years old
Complaint duration: 4 years
Medications: None
Conditions: None

6 Answers

Hi! You will need to do six weeks of physical therapy if X-rays are normal and anti-inflammatory treatment. If no improvement would do knee MRI. If MRI is normal would have your primary care order rheumatolgical labs to rule out disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
at 24 years old It is very unlikely that you have arthritis. Vigorous Activity, if I understand what you're saying, Causes pain and swelling of the knee. If you have episodes of locking. And giving way of the knee also, then you may have a torn meniscal cartilage. An MRI study or magnetic resonance. Imaging along with radiographs should be done. Because if you continue to play and run on a knee with a torn Meniscal College you're going to develop post-traumatic arthritis at a very early age. An orthopedic doctor will do two tests. A. by patient of your joint line to elicit tenderness And performance of a test called McMmurrays. If these two clinical tests are positive. Then you need a magnetic resonance test without contrast. If the magnetic resonance Test shows a torn meniscus cartilage. Then the next step is immediate [in and out.] Surgery for arthroscopic partial medial Menisectomy followed by physical therapy Rehabilitation.
May have a meniscus injury or osteochondral damage.Need an MRI to clarify.
Pain and swelling in the knee with activities can be either meniscus or cartilage issues. Can be a ligament issue as well. You need to see your doctor. He/she might prescribe X-rays and MRI to identify the problem. Thanks.
You need a formal evaluation exam and X-rays

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