Geriatrician Questions Stroke

My hands are shivering, is it a sign of a stroke?

I am a 60 year old man and off late I have been observing an involuntary movement in my hands. Is it a sign of a stroke? Please advice what tests should I undergo next.

5 Answers

My first concern would be what they call a "rolling pill tremor". Not so much a stroke as potentially a movement disorder such as Parkinsons. A cerebellar stroke, a part of the brain that coordinates movement, could possibly also lead to tremors. Seek a primary care doctor or neurologist.
Not a stroke but could be tremors from medications, thyroid disease, essential tremors, Parkinson's. Needs to start with simple blood work and a good family history
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Shivering hands without any loss of muscle strength is probably not a sign of a stroke. Sometimes it could be an "essential tremor," which is not a serious condition. Please seek advice from your doctor.
Please see your physician for a thorough physical with lab work including thyroid testing and antibodies and routine glucose and hemoglobin. Review family history and be sure your adrenal gland function is also checked.
Not necessarily a sign of stroke. However, having a medical professional observe what I suspect is a tremor would be necessary to help you know what is going on and what tests may or may not be needed. Some tremors are totally benign. Some are signs of other diseases. Please see a doctor.