Neurologist Questions


For about the past 3 days I’ve been experiencing a weird burning sensation kinda similar to a bee sting on the back of my thigh, and it usually comes n goes throughout the day and only happens when I either lay down or bump into something. Also when I’m laying down, my legs and feet sometimes goes numb n feels tangly. Is there any answers that maybe you guys could give me?

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

1 Answer

The 2 problems may be unrelated. The thigh discomfort may be relieved by an over the counter pain patch with lidocaine in it. Placing the patch over the painful area of the thigh might protect the area from pain that occurs when the area is bumped and at night. The numbness in your feet can be caused by a lot of different things and should be evaluated by your family doctor.