Urologist Questions Urologist

Possible STD scare?

Being that the risk is high, should I go get tested for HSV1& 2? I have some soreness and my pelvic is a pain.

Male | 47 years old

3 Answers

Based on all info you presented, it is still hard and unfair to draw a conclusive clinical impression. Yet, personal concerns deserve a further investigation to logically dissolve your anxiety, which could be potentially unnecessary. To help ease what you may have in mind, please review "What to Do at feeling sick?" at https://www.foralm.com/post/www-foralm-com-what-should-you-do-when-you-feel-and-become-sick. Besides, it would worth your time to review other related articles. So doing will make you interact with any your trusted doctors more meaningfully, effectively, and beneficially. Best luck for healthcare on the way of life. If the contents help you, please leave some positive comments at the end of reading each article to benefit others.
If you’re worried or anxious about this - it’s always very simple just to go see your primary care provider or your local urologist and have the blood liters drawn.
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it couldn't hurt, but herpetic lesions don't usually last that long and they are usually painful. If it hasn't changed, I would seek a competent urologist or dermatologist. My plan would be to probably biopsy it. The risk is miniscule and you would be rid of it and you would know precisely what it is.