Dental Hygienist Questions Orthodontist

Should I get my crown replaced after 7 years?

I got my crown 7 years ago. Should I get my crown replaced after 7 years?

3 Answers

The lifespan of a dental crown can vary depending on factors such as the material used, oral hygiene practices, chewing habits, and general oral health. While some crowns may last longer than others, it's generally recommended to have them evaluated regularly by your dentist to determine if replacement is necessary.

After 7 years, it's a good idea to schedule a dental check-up to assess the condition of your crown. Your dentist can inspect the crown for signs of wear, decay, or damage and recommend whether replacement is needed. Additionally, if you experience any symptoms such as pain, sensitivity, or changes in the fit of the crown, it's important to seek prompt evaluation by your dentist.

Ultimately, the decision to replace a crown after 7 years depends on the individual circumstances and the advice of your dentist. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices can help prolong the lifespan of your dental crown and ensure optimal oral health.
Should a crown need to be replaced after 7 years. That depends on whether there is something wrong with the crown, or the tooth under it. Examples: * Decay around or under the crown. * Poor fit of the crown causing an opening where food and bacteria can get in and stuck. Ideally a crown in an environment with good oral hygiene, should last much longer than 7 years, but there may be extenuating circumstances that could be less than ideal. Without more information, it is difficult to give an opinion on a particular case.
Go to dentist have xray taken . No decay underneath leave it alone.No fractured porcelain leave it alone. Dr Sanchez