Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

What is in my leg?

On May 18th I first noticed a strange burning sensation in the back of my leg that got worse while I was showering (with warm water). I looked down and noticed a black dot and assumed it was a tick. But when I took pictures of it for a closer look I noticed it was something else entirely. Twenty minutes later it disappeared leaving only a tiny cut and some quickly healing welts. I assumed it was gone and had healed up completely days later.

I didn’t see it again until today, June 16. I was once again in the shower when I first noticed it because again the burning and stinging pain worsened there. This time it appeared further up on my leg and left fewer welts but more tiny cuts. The area does not itch and I have not scratched or touched it at all. The mild pain started both times before bed, to my knowledge but worsened significantly under the warm shower water.

I have been digging through images of parasites to try to find a similar image to my leg’s ailment but haven’t had much luck. Do you have any idea what it could be? I’ve attached images, ones marked 1 are from the first instance, images of it there, and its immediate aftermath after disappearing. Ones marked 2 and from the instance of today.

Male | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month

1 Answer

Herpes zoster