Addiction Medicine Specialist Questions Addiction Medicine Specialist

What is the best treatment for opioid addiction?

I have an opioid addiction. What is the best treatment for opioid addiction?

1 Answer

I will tell you as a recovering Alcoholic. 1. Check yourself into a 30day Rehab. 2. STAY THERE THE ENTIRE 30 DAYS. 3. Find NA meetings in your area. 4. Work the steps, HONESTLY AND COMPLETELY 5. Repeat steps 1-4 every time you relapse. There are no answers or options for these steps. If you think you have a shot at recovery, you will do the above steps in order. I cannot tell you how many 30day chips I have. I earned every one of them. The last chip I rec'd was my 15 YEAR chip. I earned that too. I realize there is a huge difference in the TYPE of addiction you and I have however, addiction is addiction, is addiction PERIOD. I have sponsored quite a few opioid addicts. 1 in 50 may make it. MAY..make it. There's a reason we say "YAGOTTAWANNA". You do, you have to want sobriety more than your addiction. Go to rehab so you get through the CHEMICAL addiction. I've seen "dope sick ''. It isn't pretty but its easier in a medical rehab. DO IT! Then start working a program like stated above. This is the hardest thing you will ever do in your life, it's also the most rewarding. I wish you nothing but the best in your journey and trust me, its a journey. Buckle up! Robert J. Buckley BS CSHO HMI NREMT 9 Zenger Ct. Palm Coast Fl. 32164 505.688.3098 mobile
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