Rheumatologist Questions Lupus

Are there any treatment methods for lupus?

I'm 30 years old and I was diagnosed with lupus. Are there any treatment methods for lupus?

3 Answers

There are many treatments available for Lupus. I recommend speaking with your rheumatologist further about the options available to you. Every case of Lupus is unique and different medications are recommended based on your symptoms and clinical findings.
Lupus is a systemic disease and treatment is directed to whether skin, joints, kidneys or other organs are involved

Meds such as plaquenil, methotrexate, Leflunomide , prednisone, Benlysta, Saphnelo, mycophenolate, cyclophosphamide or Rituxan may be necessary
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Yes, there are treatments for lupus. But this is a disease that can affect different systems, it may be mild or severe. You should find a rheumatologist who is experienced with lupus patients.