Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

Can acupuncture help with migraines?

I am a 23-year-old male with migraines. I heard that acupuncture can help. Can acupuncture help with migraines?

31 Answers

Yes. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
Yes, I treat migraines quite successfully. It does depend on what's causing them. If it's from chemicals in, say, a nail salon, I might not be able to overcome the toxicity of the chemicals. But other normal causes can usually be treated successfully. You may need to go in for tuneups every so often.
Yes, absolutely. Headaches, migraines and cluster headaches respond very well to acupuncture.
Yes, it works very well!
Based on your signs and symptoms after the initial intake, a practitioner can plan a treatment protocol to target the source or cause. There are also muscular trigger points that can resemble migraine or headache pain, so releasing those tight muscle fibers can also help subside the symptoms.
Acupuncture can help with migraines.

Yours in Health,

Acupuncture can certainly help migraines.
Yes, effects vary
There have been many controlled trials investigating the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment for Migraine attacks. The general consensus in research is that acupuncture is significantly better than no treatment or basic care when it comes to managing migraine attacks.

As well as easing the pain of existing migraines, you can also use acupuncture to prevent them from returning; the technique can activate your parasympathetic nervous system and reduce muscle tension. Most people who suffer from migraines have a lot of muscle tension in the upper back and neck; clearly, releasing this tension is likely to reduce the number of migraines they get in the future.

Yes, very well!

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding your acupuncture for your migraines. Sorry to hear you are going through this pain. Yes, acupuncture can definitely help with migraine headaches.
Yes, acupuncture can absolutely help with migraines. It is one of the many areas our office specializes in.

Ashley Griffith
I have had success with migraine pain with acupuncture. It may not work for everyone, but of course, that depends upon several variables. Diet, caffeine intake, sleep disorders, hormonal disorders, autoimmune diseases, spinal abnormalities....the list goes on and on!!! If you are willing to make lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise for one, and you give it an honest shot....i.e, at least 6-8 treatments, many people experience good results with acupuncture. Good luck!!!

Yes! Acupuncture helps migraine headache for any cause. There are different causes why migraine headaches are present. We treat according to different causes, not just the headache. Please consult your local acupuncturist.

Scott Sang In Lee
Yes, acupuncture is an excellent treatment for migraines. You will receive more information about what to expect during your consultation, as each patient is diagnosed and treated according to their particular symptoms and constitution.
Yes we have successfully treated with Acupuncture many patients with migraines.
This is correct! We have excellent results treating this condition. I would recommend to make an appointment with a licensed provider so you can discuss in details all your options to improve your condition.

Alexandre Hillairet, DAOM.
Thank you for your question.

The simple answer is, yes, if you have a formal medical diagnosis of migraines, acupuncture can be a helpful part of your care plan.

Bee well,
Dr. B
I specialize in migraines with acupuncture. It usually takes 5-6 visits. Some cases do require a monthly maintenance visit for a year.
Yes. Acupuncture can be very effective in treating many different types of headaches and migraines.
Yes, I have treated many patients with acupuncture for migraines. Some got relief right away, others took a few treatments to get results. So, find a licensed practitioner in your area (an L.Ac) and let them see what they can do for you.

If it takes a few treatments, don't give up, or if you want, you can switch to another practitioner. Like any other service, acupuncturist should be people you work well with who are able to help your specific needs.

good luck
Yes, Acupuncture is very effective in treating migraine.

Be well, be confident, we can help.
Hi. Yes acupuncture can help with migranes
Yes, it can treat migraines.
Yes, acupuncture can help with migraines.
Yes, acupuncture can help with migraine. I've treated several patients with migraines/chronic headaches and been very successful in those cases. For best results, please make sure you're seeing a licensed acupuncturist in your state. If you aren't in CA, you can start with the "Find a Practitioner" lookup at