Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Diabetes

Which fruits are okay for a diabetes patient?

My husband is 34 years old and is diabetic. Is it okay for him to consume fruits? Which ones?

3 Answers

It depends. There is little information here. What is the weight? How is the control? Does he exercise? However, having an apple or orange as a meal usually is fine. Or a quarter of one with a meal. The greatest answer is really what happens to the glucose levels when he has a fruit. If it leaps up, then that's a no no. If the glucose doesn't jump, then we are in good shape.


Dr. Norwood
Seasonal fruits which are available in your region are the best choice. I recommend a cup of fresh fruit as part of a mixed meal which includes protein, fat and vegetables. Please refer to my book 'A Blueprint for Healthy Eating: Your Diet Guide for the New Millennium' 2nd edition (Amazon) for details.
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Yes he can consume fruits but in moderation. Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals we need and are a good source of fiber. There are tables available on the internet that will tell you the content of all these in each fruit. One of the highest in sugar and thus should be eaten sparingly is grapes. The high sugar content of grapes is why we make wine from grapes more than other fruits. Bananas are also high in sugar especially if eaten very ripe. If eaten more toward green they contain contain starch that has the same calories as sugar but is absorbed slower as the starch has to be broken down in the gut to sugar to be absorbed. Dates & figs are fairly low in sugar. Also eat the fruit rather than drink the juice as the whole fruit contains the fiber that is not only good for gut motility but also slows the absorption of the carbohydrate so it times better with the diabetes medication. Yes fruits are good and food for you but remember what St. Paul said long ago but still true "moderation in all things." Enjoy