Surgeon Questions Stitches (Sutures, Wound Closures)

I have intense pain while touching my scar about 4 days after surgery. Is it ok?

I had to get some stitches on my upper right arm. Its been about 4 days and I feel an intense stinging pain when anything brushes against it. Is it normal?

7 Answers

Don't do this, you can get the scar infected. Use cotton swabs.
It would be appropriate to be concerned about an infection. Normally the incision becomes less and less painful overtime. If it increases look for redness and the possibility of infection
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if it is red, swollen or draining it needs to be seen by a provider, it may be infected, if not red and not swollen and not draining probably ok, but call the provider and check
Yes, incisional pain may persist for at least a week.
Yes. Pain in the immediate post op period is very normal. It should improve and will get better every day
It is not unusual to have pain with recent incisions or scars; however, the pain should improve over time. If it does not improve, you could have a wound infection and should call your doctor.
Sometimes it can be painful to touch the area where you have stitches. If it does not get better, go see your doctor.