Chiropractor | Sports Physician Questions Sports Injuries

Is a chiropractic consultation needed after a sports injury?

I am a 25 year old basketball player. I hurt my back during practice and am scheduled to see a chiropractor. What will he do to help me?

13 Answers

They will evaluate your injury and look to provide treatment the allow that injury to heal correctly as well as help to get the injury to heal faster. Old injuries left untreated will likely repeat themselves.
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He will access the alignment and motion of your spine. These are two factors that keep your spine healthy and avoid premature arthritis if left uncorrected.
The chiropractor should perform an examination to determine the exact cause of your pain. The pain may be coming from muscle, joint or nerve or some combination. During exam, the doctor should be able to replicate the pain by finding a tender point or some motion that produces the pain. After determining the cause, advise and/or treatment to correct the problem
should begin.

Take care and be well.

Dr. Eric Miller
Chiropractic can restore spinal integrity and will aid in the speed of injury recovery.
Exam and X-rays at a minimum.
He is going to exam your back with a hands-on examination that tests the mobility of each vertebra. He may even do an x-ray to add more precision and depth to the examination. You will be glad you sought his advice and may even consider staying under care regularly to prevent further injuries and optimize performance.

A good sports chiropractor will do a functional and orthopedic exam to figure out the problem causing your back pain. Sometimes it’s not just the back but other areas as well. Will also need to check your muscle strength and flexibility to make sure it’s not contributing. Once that’s done, they can treat with spinal manipulation and rehab according to what you have wrong. Simple and very effective. I’ve had injuries from b-ball and have always benefitted from chiropractic care.

Vishal K. Verma, DC, CCSP

It depends on the diagnosis. He or she should do a comprehensive examination and then talk to you about options for treatment. At a minimum, reflexes should be checked, ranges of motion performed, orthopedic tests should be performed. If they don't do that, you should leave the office. 

Good luck!

Dr. Simone
He or she will do a full evaluation and Orthopedic testing. Depending on the mechanism of injury, X-rays may be needed.
You will be adjusted and possibly some additional therapy such as ultrasound or kinesiology tape may be used to help alleviate the pain and stabilize the area. Hope this helps.
Dr. Kay Knight
The chiropractor will perform a physical exam and may take X-rays depending upon the extent of your injuries and past medical history. The chiropractor may also initiate treatment via a chiropractic adjustment and/or physiotherapies. But not all chiropractors will initiate treatment on the first visit - it depends upon their practice philosophy and your specific situation.
The chiropractor can assess your back and make sure it's not broken. Make sure you don't need an orthopedic doctor.
A sports Chiropractor will assess why your back has pain and what you can do to correct it. They will apply adjustments to the spine, pelvis, and extremities to decrease pain and improve function. They may also employ soft tissue therapy.