Oncologist Questions Chemotherapy

How can someone live with cancer without chemotherapy?

My uncle has been diagnosed with cancer, but the doctor has not started him on chemotherapy. When is chemotherapy necessary?

2 Answers

The word “cancer” is by definition an uncontrolled growth of cells in some part of the body. These cells can effect the organ in which they arose or can metastasize and grow in other organs than those from which they arose.

Symptoms of each particular cancer depend on the organ from which the cancerous cells arose and if they have already spread. The treatments of each cancer include either surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or more recently immunotherapy. Each cancer responds differently to each form of treatment. Every cancer must be treated individually with a specific plan. Chemotherapy may be part of the treatment plan in combination with surgery and or radiation. The behavior of each cancer can be predicted based on the organ where the cancer arose and if it has already spread at the time it was diagnosed. So predictably slowly growing tumors may safely be observed. Addition of chemotherapy or radiation depends on data obtained from treating with combinations and comparing how people do with some alternative. So clinical trials are mandatory and necessary to give an opinion on cancer treatment.
It is not necessary in all cancers. Some cancers can be treated with pills. Some are just watched til they progress.