Family Practitioner Questions Diets

I am not losing weight even when I am dieting and working out. What should I do?

I am 35 years old and, despite working out and dieting, I am unable to lose weight. What should I do?

5 Answers

Level of intake and burn up need to be synchronized. Eat a breakfast and switch bigger meal from dinner to lunch,working out needs definition 3x/ week minimum 20-30 minutes kinetic exercise advisable
When I have patients that can’t lose weight, I draw some labs such as thyroid function test and basic chemistry. Also, if in a very stressful situation or work environment the hormone cortisol can make it near impossible to lose weight..
Rethink your dieting and exercise strategies. Both quality and quantity of food intake is important. Keep a food journal. You would be surprised with what you consume at the end of the day. Make sure you log in every small bite. Increasing water intake helps. Look up intermittent fasting, which has actually shown more promising results. Make sure you see your health care provider and get the necessary blood work done including thyroid testing.
The first question I would ask, is are you losing inches? Also, have you had your thyroid checked? There are many factors to consider when trying to lose weight, calories in vs calories expended, Good carbs versus bad carbs, low glycemic index foods, exercise type, duration, and frequency.
I would see your provider to discuss labs, including hormonal labs and thyroid labs. Keep up the hard work!