Physical Therapist Questions Physical Therapy

As a runner should I also undergo physical therapy to avoid pulls and tears?

I have recently started running to try and remain active. Should I undergo physical therapy to prevent pulls and tears while running?

8 Answers

You can go to physical therapy to prophylactically prevent injuries and address any strength/stability imbalances. However, insurance is not likely to cover a plan of care for preventative care.
If you are an avid runner or is planning to do running on a regular basis, as a physical therapist, I would recommend that you undergo a physical therapy evaluation, even if they are not currently experiencing any pain or injuries. This is because physical therapy can help to improve a runner's overall fitness level, flexibility, and strength, which can help to prevent injuries from occurring in the first place. If you are going to do this on a light scale, then a PT or even a stretch coach can help guide you through some regular stretches you might benefit from doing to prevent muscles pulls or tears.

There are a number of things that physical therapists can do to help runners avoid pulls and tears. These include:

Assessing your running form: A physical therapist can assess your running form and identify any areas where you may be overstriding or landing incorrectly. This can help to reduce the risk of overuse injuries.
Developing a strengthening program: A physical therapist can help you to develop a strengthening program that targets the muscles that are important for running. This can help to improve your running performance and reduce the risk of injuries.
Improving your flexibility: A physical therapist can help you to improve your flexibility, which can help to reduce your risk of muscle strains and tears.
Providing education on injury prevention: A physical therapist can provide you with education on how to prevent running injuries. This includes information on proper warm-up and cool-down, proper running form, and how to listen to your body.
In addition to the benefits listed above, physical therapy can also help runners to recover from injuries more quickly and safely. If you do experience an injury, a physical therapist can help you to develop a rehabilitation program that will help you to get back to running as soon as possible.

Overall, I would highly recommend that all runners undergo physical therapy. It is a safe and effective way to improve your running performance and reduce your risk of injuries. It is just similar to taking your car for regular maintenance to avoid any breakdowns.

It's a tricky question. Since you don't have any injury as of now, I wouldn't recommend PT, but if you feel pain while running, it's better to consult a PT early and thereby avoid any injuries.


You really don't need physical therapy, but you need a lot of stretching before running as a warming up and to avoid sprain of you muscles or ligaments.
Absolutely. Physical therapy will definitely help you to heal any injuries faster, plus guide you on how to prevent any further traumas being active. Physical therapy is more like preventive treatment.
I would recommend a couple of sessions with your local PT to go over proper techniques and the stretches specific for your body.