Psychologist Questions Psychologist

What is the most common anxiety disorder in children?

My son is 9 years old. I think he has anxiety. What is the most common anxiety disorder in children?

6 Answers

There are numerous forms of anxiety disorders - separation anxiety, generalized anxiety, social anxiety, Panic Disorders, Phobia and a combination of the above.
Social anxiety order would be in crowds or going to school, generalized anxiety order is worry on a regular basis so it depends on his symptoms With way they are treated the same.

Generalized anxiety disorder.
The most common mental health disorder in children under the age of 12 is anxiety. Anxiety disorders seen in children include: Separation Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Social Anxiety/Phobia.
Have him evaluated by a counselor or therapist. It depends on the age of the patient, fears, changes, etc.
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