Rheumatologist (Pediatric) Questions Rheumatologist

Why are there hydroxychloroquine shortages?

My daughter with lupus is being affected by hydroxychloroquine shortages. How could this affect her health?

3 Answers

Too many docs are using it to treat COVID
Hydroxychloroquine has been widely and commonly and thoughtfully prescribed for over 20 years to control inflammatory arthritis in Systemic Lupus and in Rheumatoid Arthritis. In this usage, the medicine is prescribed daily for long periods of time. Months and years day by day. It also has been occasionally prescribed for a traveler who is traveling to a region where malaria is common. In this use, only three days or so are prescribed.

For Covid, a French physician tried this medicine for a few days and his study showed occasional benefits. So many many people decided to get this medicine and supplies ran out. However, additional studies have not demonstrated clear benefit. Still many pharmacies have run out. It is a medicine that has clear benefits for Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis, but not Covid.

Rex Mahnensmith
People unfortunately got wind of some potential healing factors and demanded their doctors prescribe it for them. There are labs working around the clock now replacing the supply. Your daughter should be fine, but if you notice any symptoms that are of concern, please reach out to her physician.