Physical Therapist Questions Physical Therapy

Why does physical therapy benefit muscular dystrophy patients?

My son has Duchenne's muscular dystrophy and his pediatrician suggested us to take him to a physical therapist, alongside taking his medications. How would physical therapy help him?

4 Answers

While we know that DMD is a progressive neuromuscular disorder, PT can absolutely help your son in slowing down the atrophy (weakness) by targeting gentle exercises to his needs. We're also equipment specialists and can determine when your son may need assistance in daily living skills and/or walking or locomotion.
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PT helps to maintain joint range and mobility and also helps with functional mobility.
Physical therapy will help to delay the muscles atrophy and decrease the chance of building a fibrous tissue and muscle contracture, keep rang if motion ,also will help the blood circulation and the blood flow. Maintaining the function ability as long as possible. Including walking, transferring, bed mobility and ADLs