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Stopping my teenage son's addiction to prescription medicine?

My 18-year-old son developed an addiction to prescription medicine after having knee surgery. He wants help and I want to help him. Should I see therapists, doctors, etc. ?

How dangerous is it to take antidepressants?

I am a 41-year-old female who has been obese most of her life. To emotionally handle being overweight, I have been taking antidepressants for many years. I am starting to question...

Can medications give you a false positive on a drug test?

My goddaughter went to rehab for 30 days for alcoholism, marijuana, and taking Xanax. She has been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, AVTH, ADHD, ADD, and PTSD. She is on probation....

Can repeated blackouts indicate an alcohol problem?

My friends and I go out drinking a lot, and I'm worried that one of my friends is an alcoholic. She has repeatedly drank to the point of blacking out, and it happens so often....

Are obsessive-compulsive disorder and drug addiction related?

My father was addicted to prescription painkillers for several years. He is clean now, but he has started behaving in ways that look to me like obsessive-compulsive disorder....

How do I quit smoking?

I'm 29 and I'm addicted to smoking. I want to quit so bad but don't know how. How do I quit smoking fast?

How long does it take to quit smoking?

I'm a heavy smoker, but I want to quit it finally. I'm 44 and have been smoking since I was 22. How long does it take to quit it?

How can one treat a laxative addiction?

I'm a 28-year-old male. Due to chronic constipation, I've been taking laxatives for years and now it feels like I'm addicted. How can one treat a laxative addiction?

Is an earache a symptom of withdrawal?

I have been using certain addictive drugs and I know that my withdrawal symptoms are worse than others'. But I've never heard of someone having an earache. Are earaches ever...

What are signs of a heroin addiction?

My 27-year-old son has been acting strangely, and I think it might be a heroin addiction. He's had used drugs before, but now he just seems skiddish, easily angered, and anxious...

Does my son need to go to support group or rehab for alcohol?

My son is nearing thirty years old and he has issues with abusing alcohol. I'm not sure how I could help him, other than suggesting him to go to some type of therapy. Do you...

What's the science behind Suboxone?

I'm wondering how Suboxone works when treating opioid addiction, since my brother is on it to help him. What's the science behind Suboxone? How does it work?

What makes heroin so addictive?

I hear about heroin all the time where I'm from, and in my small town in the U. S. , it's just so bad. I'm 24 years old, and there's already been about 5 deaths of heroin overdoses...

How long does it take for Suboxone to take effect?

My son was prescribed Suboxone for his addiction, and it seem like it works for him. He's not experiencing much anxiety and is generally relaxed after it's taken. How long does...

Can a Juul help me stop smoking?

I'm trying to quit smoking completely, but it really is the habit that I'm having trouble with. Smoking always reduced my stress and that's why I kept doing it. Should I consider...

Is cocaine really addictive?

A man that I'm dating does cocaine. . . I didn't realize that he did this drug casually until he did it in front of me. We've been dating for a month and a half, and I'm not...

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