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Why do my muscles get so tight after I exercise?

I'm 22 years old, and I exercise 4 days a week. Or try to anyway. I noticed that every time after I'm done, my muscles are extremely tight. What can I do to avoid this? Why...

What can I do about tendinitis?

I was diagnosed with tendinitis about a month ago, and my hand is hurting really badly. Is there anything I can do for it to help it heal?

How can I reduce the swelling from a sprained finger?

I'm a 37-year-old male. I play baseball and I sprained my finger at our game two days ago. What can I do to reduce swelling?

How can I tell if I pulled a muscle?

I'm 30, and I run quite frequently. But over these past couple of days, the back of my calf has been in pain. Do you think that this could be a pulled muscle?

Will a CT scan of my spine show how to treat my injury?

I injured my back on the football field, and the pain has only gotten worse. Doctor wants to take scan of my spine. Will a CT scan help with my treatment?

Why do my knees hurt after running?

I'm only 20 years old but my knees hurt really badly after running or jumping. What could be the cause of this? Is this pain serious enough to go to the doctor?

What is causing my son's knee pain?

My son's knees hurt, almost like needles. He feels this when he's kneeling down. He's pretty active too, and is on the wrestling team. Could something like that be causing it?...

Is it ok to work out if I am still sore from an injury?

My hamstring was strained last month. It is still kind of sore after. Is it ok to work out if I am still sore from an injury?

Should I wear an ankle brace?

I sprained my ankle during a game and it's starting to heal and feel normal again. I don't want to sprain my ankle again. Do you think a brace would help?

What are shin splints?

I run a lot, and now I'm experiencing sharp pain in my shins. Could this be shin splints? If it is, what's treatment for them?

What kind of doctor should I see after potential knee injury?

I fell on my knee cap while playing basketball, but now I'm having issues straightening my leg. What kind of doctor should I see for this?

Should I be avoiding exercise with scoliosis?

I used to be really into sports before I was diagnosed with scoliosis, but once I started feeling some pain and the doctor found a curve in my spine, I stopped because I thought...

Will my surgery end my career?

I'm in college football, D1, and it's really the time to start thinking about my future career. I've sat out this whole entire season because of my back, and I need to have surgery...

I have severe back pain at the bottom of my spine. Do you think a surgery might be required?

I am suffering from a tremendous amount of pain right at the bottom of my back. Do you think a surgery might be required to treat this condition? Are there other ways to get...

How long will my back take to recover after surgery?

I need to have back surgery after a serious fall. How long will it take for me to recover completely after the surgery? Other than this injury, I am, otherwise, healthy.

Why do I have pain in the back of my knee?

I have a really annoying pain in the back of my knee and it often goes to the front. Most days, my legs feel as if they won't give way. I've past a fitness test, I'm 52 years...

After a bone graft surgery, how long will I have to wait to resume my sports?

I had a bone grafting surgery around my ankle. How long will the recovery take before I can resume my sports again?

How long will it take for me to recover from a shoulder surgery?

I am supposed to have shoulder surgery very soon. But how long is the recovery normally after it? I need to tell my job so I'm able to recover at home.

Does elbow dislocation require surgery?

My sister was playing soccer and dislocated her elbow. Will it require surgery or a cast?

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