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How long does it take to heal from a heart transplant?

My friend had a heart transplant surgery 2 weeks ago. How long does it take to heal from a heart transplant?

Kidney transplant medication?

Patient is a kidney transplant recipient in 2017. Inconsistent in taking medication, several days of symptoms: cold sweats, chills, fever, diarrhea, nausea, shakes, vomiting,...

Is it normal to have pain after inguinal hernia surgery?

I had inguinal hernia surgery 2 days ago. It still hurts. Is it normal to have pain after inguinal hernia surgery?

Does open heart surgery affect your immune system?

I will have open heart surgery. Does open heart surgery affect your immune system?

How big is the scar after open heart surgery?

I will have open heart surgery. I want to know how big is the scar after open heart surgery?

How long does heart transplant surgery take?

I will have heart transplant surgery. How long does heart transplant surgery take?

Can heart transplant patients live a normal life?

My friend will have a heart transplant surgery. I want to know if heart transplant patients can live a normal life?

How long can a person live with a heart transplant?

My friend will have a heart transplant surgery. How long can a person live with a heart transplant?

What are the disadvantages of a stent?

I will get heart stents next week. Is it safe? What are the disadvantages of a stent?

Can fluid around the heart go away on its own?

I was diagnosed with fluid around the heart. Is it serious? Can fluid around the heart go away on its own?

How long do you stay on blood thinners after stents?

I am taking blood thinners after stent surgery already 4 months. I want to know how long do you stay on blood thinners after stents?

Why is blood pressure high after a heart attack?

I had a heart attack 2 weeks ago. I have high blood pressure. Is it normal after a heart attack?

Does myocarditis require surgery?

I have myocarditis and worry about needing heart surgery. Does myocarditis require surgery?

What anesthetics are used in open heart surgery?

I will have open heart surgery. What anesthetics are used in open heart surgery?

Does COVID-19 disease cause irregular heartbeat?

I had a COVID infection 2 weeks ago. After that I developed an irregular heartbeat. Does COVID-19 disease cause irregular heartbeat?

Should I have a pacemaker checkup before traveling?

I am leaving the country for a month and I wear a pacemaker. Should I have a pacemaker checkup before traveling?

What are the treatment options for heart palpitations during COVID?

I was diagnosed with COVID infection and also heart palpitations. Can COVID cause heart palpitations?

Should I go to the hospital for tachycardia?

I have tachycardia and I feel chest tightness. Should I go to the hospital for tachycardia?

Which beta-blocker is preferred for heart arrhythmias?

I have a heart arrhythmia. I want to take a beta-blocker. Which beta-blocker is preferred for heart arrhythmias?

Is heart stent surgery painful?

I will have a heart stent surgery. I am afraid. Is it painful?

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